12. “半圆形桃花心木餐具柜和刀盒。用缎木、桃花心木和乌木镶嵌和镶边,由Edwin Foley创作 高清作品[91%]

Semicircular mahogany sideboard and knifebox. Inlaid and banded with satinwood, mahogany, and ebony-

图片文件尺寸 : 4422 x 3389px

“半圆形桃花心木餐具柜和刀盒。用缎木、桃花心木和乌木镶嵌和镶边,由Edwin Foley创作-Edwin Foley

Semicircular mahogany sideboard and knifebox. Inlaid and banded with satinwood, mahogany, and ebony--Edwin Foley (英国, 1859-1912)

下载“半圆形桃花心木餐具柜和刀盒。用缎木、桃花心木和乌木镶嵌和镶边,由Edwin Foley创作大图

13. Jules Auguste Habert Dys为Pilivuyt设计的瓷器餐具汤盘盖 高清作品[90%]


Ontwerp voor de beschildering van het deksel van een soepterrine van een porseleinen servies voor Pillivuyt-

图片文件尺寸 : 5248 x 7334px

Jules Auguste Habert Dys为Pilivuyt设计的瓷器餐具汤盘盖-Jules Auguste Habert-Dys

Ontwerp voor de beschildering van het deksel van een soepterrine van een porseleinen servies voor Pillivuyt--Jules Auguste Habert-Dys (法国, 1850-1924)

下载Jules Auguste Habert Dys为Pilivuyt设计的瓷器餐具汤盘盖大图

14. 何塞·玛丽亚·布拉乔·穆里略(JoséMaría Bracho Murillo)的大理石餐具柜上的木槿花、芙蓉花、大丽花和风铃花 高清作品[86%]

Hibiscus, Freesias, Dahlias, and Bluebells on a marble topped sideboard-

图片文件尺寸 : 2311 x 4160px

何塞·玛丽亚·布拉乔·穆里略(JoséMaría Bracho Murillo)的大理石餐具柜上的木槿花、芙蓉花、大丽花和风铃花-José María Bracho Murillo

Hibiscus, Freesias, Dahlias, and Bluebells on a marble topped sideboard--José María Bracho Murillo (西班牙, 1827-1882)

下载何塞·玛丽亚·布拉乔·穆里略(JoséMaría Bracho Murillo)的大理石餐具柜上的木槿花、芙蓉花、大丽花和风铃花大图

15. 美国纯银餐具服务 作者:Towle Silversmiths,马萨诸塞州纽伯里波特,19世纪末/20世纪 高清作品[85%]

by Towle Silversmiths, Newburyport, MA, late 19th/20th century

图片文件尺寸 : 5410 x 4113px

AN AMERICAN STERLING SILVER FLATWARE SERVICE :by Towle Silversmiths, Newburyport, MA, late 19th/20th century
In the Old Colonial pattern, comprising twenty-four oval spoons, twenty-four dinner knives, twenty-four luncheon forks, twenty-four cream soup spoons, twenty-four salad forks, twenty-four teaspoons, twelve butter knives, eleven demitasse spoons, twelve butter spreaders, two tablespoons, one trout serving fork, two gravy ladles, one cream ladle, one master butter knife, and one sugar spoon, together with three Rogers silver-plated flatware pieces of a different pattern; total weighable silver approximately 190oz troy (190).

美国纯银餐具服务 作者:Towle Silversmiths,马萨诸塞州纽伯里波特,19世纪末/20世纪

下载美国纯银餐具服务 作者:Towle Silversmiths,马萨诸塞州纽伯里波特,19世纪末/20世纪大图